Premises liability lawyers have been making Charlotte a safer space for decades now. They are here to make sure your personal injury in Charlotte doesn’t go unnoticed if it occurred on someone else’s property.


One type of public injury is drowning. Public pools and beaches are the subjects of numerous drowning incidents. Of course, some individuals are unable to swim, refuse to put on a life jacket upon entering the water, and plunge headfirst into the deep end of the pool. For instance, if you are on the beach, you could get caught in a riptide, and if you are at a pool, you could get caught in the drainage system. Due to their propensity for touching things, children are more likely than adults to accidentally lift the drain cover on a swimming pool and have their arm pulled under it.


Another way to get injured in public is if you get mugged. Theft is one way to sustain harm while in public. Mugging is a risky crime that frequently results in significant injuries such as fracturing, excessive injuries, and even death for the victims. This crime typically occurs at night in low-security areas like parking lots at shopping malls or even in back alleys. The worst aspect is that in addition to getting hurt, you also lose your belongings. The greatest approach to prevent being mugged is to never leave the house alone at night, and if you must go, carry a taser or pepper spray.

Cuts and burns

Cuts and burns are other types of injuries you can get in public. Fast food workers and those who work in restaurants are more likely to experience this. When chopping vegetables in a rush to get the meal ready, you might cut yourself. Restaurant kitchens can also be crowded at cues, which increases your risk of getting hurt if someone runs into you. When removing a tray from the oven, people occasionally forget that it is still hot, and when they touch it, they get burned. You can also cut yourself when opening a product box when arranging a store if you don’t work in a restaurant.

Slip and fall

And lastly, the most common type of injury you get in public is caused by slips and falls. If you work in a store, there may be items on the floor and a mess of disorganized boxes in the storage area. When not paying attention to where we are going, we may trip over something on the floor and hurt ourselves. Additionally, if you work in an office, there may be drinks that have been spilled on the floor, and you risk slipping on them. Maintaining order in your immediate environment and being aware of your surroundings as you go are the greatest methods to stay out of these scenarios.

Find top ranked Charlotte premises liability lawyers

Are you hurt? Look no further! Top lawyers are right here at your service. Our lawyers are specialized in every aspect of law in order to get you the best case scenarios in your cases. We don’t want you to suffer alone. Justice Services is Charlotte’s top personal injury attorney. You Deserve Justice! If you have been in an accident, or have an injury or worker’s compensation case, contact the Charlotte Law Offices of Justice Campbell. You can also call us at 704-334-1312. We will get you the compensation you deserve. No fee unless we win.