Truck accident lawyers are ready to assist you in Charlotte NC
Truck accident lawyers are ready to assist you in Charlotte NC if you are a victim of a truck collision accident. We can only imagine the trauma you must be going through, both physically and mentally. To have been struck by a truck is horrifying to say the least. And getting your experience invalidated by the other driver would have my blood boiling as well. We want you to know that we hear you and we want to help. We’re here to make sure that you get compensated properly for the injuries you sustained.
Top reasons that truck accidents happen:
Now that you think about it, truck accidents have been appearing on the news quite more often than usual. This has us all on edge thinking it’s only a matter of time before we end up being a victim as well. Many lives have been lost and many have barely survived. Here are the top reasons that cause truck accidents. Spoiler, the truck driver is at fault in all of them!
- Driver’s fatigue from driving long hours with no sleep.
- Distractions from the radio, mobile devices, or something outside
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Reckless driving by over speeding or overtaking
- Failure to apply breaks at the appropriate time
Truck accident lawyer settles a two-vehicle collision
This is a case of a two-vehicle collision that ended with the plaintiff’s car being rear-ended with the defendant’s car. The plaintiff, our client, was stopped at a red light when the truck driver came at full speed from behind and failed to apply brakes. This made the truck rear-end the back of our client’s car at full speed, leaving no room to react. Ambulance had to be called to take our client to the emergency room. It was in the hospital when she found out she suffered a herniated disc that would require surgery and she would be out of work for several weeks. The whole ordeal was just very traumatic and stressful for our client so she reached out to us and we ensured her that she doesn’t need to worry and that we’ll handle all the legal obligations while she rests and heals from the whole experience.
Why our truck accident lawyers are perfect for you:
You may be having your doubts about the authenticity of these lawyers therefore we invite you to a consultation session with our truck accident lawyers in Charlotte NC. Beware, we play a hard bargain and we won’t disappoint. Our lawyers have been dealing with truck-related accidents in the area for quite a while now so they know how to get the best possible deal in the shortest amount of time. We examine every detail to present it all in court and the judge doesn’t even think twice before giving us a great deal.
Find best truck accident lawyers in Charlotte NC:
Justice Services is Charlotte’s top personal injury attorney. You Deserve Justice! If you have been in an accident, have an injury or worker’s compensation case, contact the Charlotte Law Offices of Justice Campbell. You can also call us at 704-334-1312. We will get you the compensation you deserve. No fee unless we win.