Abi Sanchez
Medical Records and Billing
Abigail “Abi” Sanchez is ready and willing to take on any of life’s tasks with a positive and determined attitude, but of course, with the love of her coffee right in her hand to start her day.
Her admirable characteristics are compassion, commitment, caring, loving, and great organizational skills. Abi is privileged to be part of a collaboration of the elite team here at Justice Services in Charlotte with an environment of professionals.
She is dedicated to delivering effective, efficient, and respectful public service with integrity and accountability using both proven and innovative methods. Abi is always happy to be able to enforce respect for the demands of all clients.
Abi Sanchez is a humble, yet strong, independent mother of two children, and is constantly striving to transform her weaknesses into strengths. She is always working on improvement and growth, in personal and work environments. Call us today to get started.