Wrongful death lawyers know how easily you can suffer a fatal injury in Charlotte even if you take the most precautions. It is vital that the perpetrators get served justice for their crimes.


One of the most common ways you can die in public by accident is by falling from a height. You can be in a shopping mall and fall from the top floor. This is most common for kids as they tend to dangle on the opposite side of the escalator. There are many reported cases where this has happened. Another way is that you can go hiking and fall off the side of the cliff. Falling may not only be the person but it can be objects too. You can just be walking and a heavy object can fall on you without you even realizing it.

Car accident

Another way you can die in public is by getting into a car accident. Car accidents are one of the top five causes of death each year. The number one cause of a car accident is distracted driving. Other than that you could just be driving and a random civilian can just carelessly walk in front of the car without looking at the road and can get killed. Unsupervised children can also die as they tend to run in the middle of the street while waiting at the signal.


Drowning is another way you can die. If you are not a great swimmer it’s best if you don’t get into the deep end of the pool. Sometimes people would say they can swim and then end up needing help. There are different ways you can drown; one is you can’t swim and you drown, you can get caught in the drain and not be able to pull yourself back up, you can get a cramp in the water and not be able to swim back. And lastly, if you are in a crowded place and the lifeguards can’t see you, you can end up drowning.


Getting caught in a fire is probably the most painful way of dying. It can be in your house or apartment building or it can be in a public space like a restaurant or a mall. Either way, it happens and it is very common to die in a fire.

Find the best wrongful death lawyers in Charlotte! Get justice!

Are you hurt? Look no further! Top lawyers are right here at your service. Our lawyers are specialized in every aspect of law in order to get you the best case scenarios in your cases. We don’t want you to suffer alone. Justice Services is Charlotte’s top personal injury attorney. You Deserve Justice! If you have been in an accident, or have an injury or worker’s compensation case, contact the Charlotte Law Offices of Justice Campbell. You can also call us at 704-334-1312. We will get you the compensation you deserve. No fee unless we win.