Slip and fall injury victims can be compensated for damages with help from your local Charlotte lawyers. It is a common misconception that a slip and fall injury is no big deal. Oftentimes people assume you get nothing but a minor cut or bruise that should be just fine. The reality is there is so much that goes behind most such injuries. Knowing our healthcare system, even treating a minor bruise can be unaffordable for most people. It is important to know where we stand in the eyes of the law and how we can use it to our advantage if ever needed.

What is a slip and fall injury

A slip and fall injury is a type of personal injury where a victim faces a slip and fall. Not every slip and fall injury can lead to a lawsuit. If the injury happens on someone else’s property due to failure to give precautionary alerts, only then you may sue for the injury. This type of injury comes under premises liability in personal injuries. A personal injury attorney will handle this type of injury. If you’ve got proof that you weren’t warned about the dangerous environment due to which you suffered an injury, it will immensely help your case and get you a hefty settlement. If you were already recovering from a previous injury and this slip and fall made that injury worse, you have a better shot at obtaining an even greater settlement. Most victims create a lawsuit for slip and fall injuries that occur at work. However, they can occur anywhere like a grocery store or a friend’s house. Following are some slip and fall cases we’ve dealt with over the years.

Injured while making a delivery

A few years ago we got a case of a woman who faced a slip and fall injury while making a delivery. She was delivering products to a grocery store when she slipped inside the store due to a liquid spill at the entrance. There was no precautionary sign in place to alert anyone entering the store of the spill. The lady was an elderly woman who already faced some hip and back issues due to the nature of her work. Due to the slip and fall, she dislocated a disc in her spine and broke her hip. She had to be rushed to the emergency room via an ambulance ride and faced emergency surgery to repair her dislocated disc and later on, her broken hip. The woman was bedridden in the hospital and unable to appear in court or physically pursue charges against the grocery store. She hired us to handle her case and we helped her win a hefty settlement.

Find top-ranked Charlotte slip and fall attorney

If you faced a slip and fall injury and are looking to file a lawsuit, look no further! Justice Services is Charlotte’s top personal injury attorney. You Deserve Justice! If you have been in an accident, have an injury or worker’s compensation case, contact the Charlotte Law Offices of Justice Campbell. You can also call us at 704-334-1312. We will get you the compensation you deserve. No fee unless we win.