Personal injury attorneys are here for you in Charlotte NC if you are a victim of an injury while getting a massage. Imagine going for a massage to treat some physical pain and end up getting more pain as a result, I’d feel like the universe is totally against me. How could something that is supposed to treat you actually end up making you feel worse? Not to mention the medical bills that are now piling up as a result of the injury. Our personal injury attorneys are here to handle everything for you so all you can focus on is healing from the trauma you experienced.

Types of massage related injuries

Believe it or not, message-related injuries are more common than you think. On average, one in five people says they’ve experienced more pain as a result of a massage that is supposed to reduce the pain or demolish it completely. Often times the pain subsides in a day or two but in case it persists for longer than a week, it is probably best to get it checked just to make sure it isn’t too bad. Following are some common injuries faced by clients who get massages:

  • Lingering pain: This type of pain is more common in deep tissue massages. Due to the nature of the massage, it is a normal pain that is expected to occur. However, if the pain persists for too long or you feel it isn’t getting better but actually getting worse, it’s best to get it checked out.
  • Headaches/Migraines: This is the most common type of pain after getting a massage. It is often experienced due to the odd positioning of the head during the massage. Although this positioning is faced by all patients, some are more susceptible to injuries due to a lack of a proper workout routine.
  • Inflammation: This can be a result of constant pressure in a certain spot for a long period of time. If this spot had previously been affected by an injury, it is more likely to become inflamed as a result of scar tissue being broken down once again. It is therefore recommended to mention any injuries you had in advance to your physiotherapist in order to prevent any mishaps during treatment.

 How your injuries can be of long-term concern

Although any pain you may experience after getting a massage can be just regular pain that is not of any concern, it is still important to get it checked if it continues to persist even after a prolonged period of time. However, don’t delay getting it checked longer than a week after it happened as you probably would’ve missed the window of fully healing from any injuries you may have experienced in the game.

How the massage clinic can deny your claims

In any case, when you have to go back to the clinic to let them know of the potential injuries you experienced after the massage, the clinic will do everything they can in order to write it off as no big deal. They will try to put the blame on you, the weather, and anything else they can think of in order to escape a lawsuit. It is therefore extremely important to be ready for anything they throw at you.

 Find top personal injury attorneys in Charlotte NC

Justice Services is Charlotte’s top personal injury attorney. You Deserve Justice! If you have been in an accident, have an injury or worker’s compensation case, contact the Charlotte Law Offices of Justice Campbell. You can also call us at 704-334-1312. We will get you the compensation you deserve. No fee unless we win.