Personal injury attorneys will not stop fighting till you get justice for your injury in Charlotte. Personal injury claims sometimes include the actions of those who were negligent. Automobile accidents, such as motorcycle accidents and truck accidents, fall under this category as well. Personal injury attorneys may also handle cases involving various modes of transportation, such as airplane crashes, bicycle accidents, public transit accidents, marine accidents, and pedestrian accidents. Also included in this category are premises liability claims such as negligent security, slip, and fall incidents, and animal bites or assaults on people or animals. They may also be called upon to deal with situations of nursing home abuse and neglect, as well as construction accidents. Personal injury lawsuits include medical malpractice cases as well as other types of personal damage claims.

The claim process

A personal injury lawsuit begins with the filing of a complaint, which is a legal document that outlines your legal arguments, the facts that support your legal reasons, and the remedies you want in exchange for your injuries. Following the filing of the complaint, the process of discovery begins. This is the stage of the litigation process during which the two sides exchange data that may be used during the trial. The discovery process in most personal injury lawsuits will consist of depositions, and requests for documents, and it might take months to finish the entire ordeal. A number of pre-trial motions may be filed by your counsel. A settlement may happen at any stage during this procedure, including right up until (or even during) the trial itself. Your personal injury attorney will handle all parts of the litigation process on your behalf and will keep you informed of the development of your case.

Winning the case

When you win a case, your lawyer will arrange for the defendant to pay up. This may consist of contacting the defendant’s insurance company and requesting a check. It may also involve post-trial petitions to collect judgments. Find out more about receiving your injury settlement. If your lawsuit settles, you’ll sign release and settlement paperwork. In essence, you agree to drop your case against the defendant in exchange for compensation.

Find Charlotte top-rated personal injury attorneys

Are you hurt? Look no further! Top lawyers are right here at your service. Our lawyers are specialized in every aspect of law in order to get you the best case scenarios in your cases. We don’t want you to suffer alone. Justice Services is Charlotte’s top personal injury attorney. You Deserve Justice! If you have been in an accident, or have an injury or worker’s compensation case, contact the Charlotte Law Offices of Justice Campbell. You can also call us at 704-334-1312. We will get you the compensation you deserve. No fee unless we win.