Accident and injury lawyers know that Charlotte streets can get dangerous if you’re not careful. Here are the top causes of accidents and injuries in Charlotte that you need to be careful about.

Car accidents

One of the most common types of injury you can get in charlotte is a car accident. You can walk on the streets going about your day and then suddenly get hit by a car. Or you could be the one in the car. Car accidents can be caused due to many reasons like distracted driving or driving under the influence, and the injuries you could get from a car accident are from bruises to broken bones. If the accident is serious, the injuries could be life-threatening as well. The best way to prevent getting into a wreck is always to follow traffic signs and never try to multi-task when driving. If you are just walking on the street, make sure to always look at your surroundings when walking.


Another common type of accident is drowning. If you are not a good swimmer, never try to swim in the deep end without a life jacket. Sometimes drowning is not caused by a lack of swimming ability. It can also be from other reasons like you could get caught in the gutter drain and not be able to swim back to shore, or you could also have a cramp in the water and not be able to move.

Drowning is more common in children than adults in swimming pools because their little bodies are not noticeable in crowded areas. So, the best way to prevent this from happening is to always keep an eye on the kids when swimming, stay away from the deep end to avoid drowning, and if you do not know how to swim, carry a life jacket with you.

Falling objects

Another way you can get injured in charlotte is by falling objects. You could be in the mall, and a place where construction is happening, and something could accidentally fall and hurt you. Another way you can get hurt by something falling is when you are hiking and get stuck in a middle of a landslide. It can be very dangerous and often life-threatening, but the best way to avoid getting into these situations is always to pay attention to your surroundings. If you hear rocks falling on your hike, immediately run in the opposite direction.

Find the top accident and injury lawyers in Charlotte NC

Are you hurt? Look no further! Top lawyers are right here at your service. Our lawyers are specialized in every aspect of law in order to get you the best-case scenarios in your cases. We don’t want you to suffer alone. Justice Services is Charlotte’s top personal injury attorney. You Deserve Justice! If you have been in an accident, or have an injury or worker’s compensation case, contact the Charlotte Law Offices of Justice Campbell. You can also call us at 704-334-1312. We will get you the compensation you deserve. No fee unless we win.